搭建之初的初衷是收集自己在网上看到的钓鱼技巧类文章,方便自己今后琢磨学习,随着部落阁内容的不断增多,网站访问的人也就越来越多。很多钓鱼爱好者都通过本部落阁学习钓鱼技巧等知识。逐步发展成为现在全国较有名气的垂钓资讯网站之一。注册会员达2000人之多。网站数据量的增加,使得原本的部落阁程序和机构已满足不了站点发展的需求。所以先后搭建了钓鱼世界,和最近上线的中国钓鱼人网 官方站;中国钓鱼人网官方站采用全新的CMS架构,网站安全系数高,站内内容丰富,是钓鱼人网部落阁程序站的替代站,现转移数据已经完成。访问地址:Www.cnfisher.com
鱼饵配方 钓鱼视频 钓鱼知识 垂钓日记 钓鱼技巧 钓鱼经验 渔具搭配 垂钓场地等介绍
“Cnfisher” was a form which is found by fishing lovers when they learn fishing. They found this site to collect the articles about fishing techniques in Internet. In this way, they can improve their fishing abilities. With the content get larger, the number of visiters get larger. Many fishing lovers known and frequent this site. It is nowadays one of the most famous site for fishing. There are already more than 2000 people who have signed un to this community. With the increase of the date of the site, the original forum can no longer satisfy the demande of the development of the site. That’s why we construct the Fishing World and the officiel site of Chinese Fisherman which get on line nowadays. Adapting the new technology CMS which assure its safety and with a wide variety of contents, “Cnfisher” remplace the place of Fisherman’s forum. This processe is completed, and please visit the site www.cnfisher.com
Bait formulations fishing videos fishing knowledge fishing diary fishing techniques
Fishing experiences fishing gear fishing areas and so on
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